PartT Modals in the Brown University Corpus
Introduction Meaning in Communication
Section 1 Situational Factors in the Semantics of the English Modals
Section 2The Semantics of the English Modals in the Light of Jakobson's Communicative
Factors and Language Functons
Section 3 The Semantics of the English Modals and
Communication Sensitive Language Model in Artificial Intelligence
Section 4 Drifting from Deontic Use to Dynamic Use
Conclusion Modals in Relation with Communication and Modality
Part U Modals in Multi-modal Data
Introduction Modals in Multimedia Forms of Representation
Section 1 Modals in Film: The Graduate
Section 2 Modals in Communication with Non-human Primates: Bonobo Kanzi
Section 3 Modals in Music: The Missippi Delta Blues
Conclusion The Significance of a Multimedia Corpus
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