tittle ホーム連絡ご注文
by Satoko Hamamoto(濱本サト子著)
定価:本体 2,000円+税

初版発行日: 2001.3.16
ISBN 4-89798-613-3



 The growing number of textbooks on language and gender issues which adopt a feminist approach are testimony to the fact that feminist linguistics is coming of age. A historical account of feminist linguistic approaches since 1973 would probably distinguish between three models of language and gender ( Cameron,1995 ). One is a deficit model in which women are seen  as disadvantaged  speakers : the  obvious  exampleis Lakoff's 
Language and Women's Place ( 1975 ).The second is a dominance model in which women are seen as negotiating their powerless position in
interacting with men : this model could be exemplified by the work of West and Zimmerman ( 1983 ) on interruptions. Finally, there is a cultural difference model in which analogies are made between gender and other social divisions : a major reference point for this model is Tannen's book You Just Don't Understand ( 1990 );Gray's Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus ( 1992 ) also exemplifies it.

1 Critical Thinking and American Culture : Women and Men in Personal Relationships
2 Gender Differences in Communication
3 A Cross-Cultural View of gender Differences in Conversational Coherence
4 The Social Functions of Gossip as Informal Communication
5 Bridging the gender Gap : Conversational devices at Work
6 Gender - Differentiated Language
7 The Hidden Curriculum : Educational Materials and gender
8 Language and Reality : Language Reform from a gender Perspective
9 More Myths over Language and gender
10 Women's Language in the Movie Mrs.Doubtfire
Author Index
Subject Index

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